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Brigadier General Edwin Page Davis - Co. G., Co. D., & 153rd NYSV.

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Edwin Page Davis was born in Philadelphia on the 31 December 1837. He enlisted in the Army on the 4 June 1861. He was commissioned 1st Leuitenant in Co. G., 62d NYSV on the 30 June 1861. Edwin was promoted to Captain on the 1st October 1861 and transferred to Co. D on the 25 October 1861. Edwin was discharged from the 62nd NY on the 18 October 1862 for promotion to Major in the newly formed 153rd NYSV (which mustered in and left for the seat of the war the same day 18 October 1862).

Very soon after joining the 153rd NY, their Colonel, McMartin succumbed to "accident and poor health" on arrival in Washington a few days later and Major Edwin Page Davis was promoted to the Colonelcy of the Regiment. Edwin Page Davis was brevetted Brigadier General, US Volunteers on October 19, 1864 for "gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequa, Fisher's Hill, and Middletown, Va."

Edwin Page Davis survived the War and died in New York, NY on the 22 October 1890. He is buried at Haddonfield Baptist Cemetery, Haddonfield, Camden County, New Jersey, Plot: Section 2, Range A, Lot 20.


Coletta, M. (2006). "153rd New York Volunteers".

Dodge, R. (2006). "Edwin Page Davis".

Tierney, J. (2006). "62nd NY Roster". Unpublished.