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General Bartlett's Reports - Gettysburg Campaign (6 - 15 August 1863)

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Reports of Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Bartlett, U. S. Army, commanding Second Brigade, First Division, and Third Division.

O.R. - SERIES I - VOLUME XXVII/1 [S# 43] - Gettysburg Campaign.

August 6, 1863.

Captain DALTON,
Assistant Adjutant-General.

SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by this brigade in the battle near Gettysburg, from the evening of July 2.
The brigade arrived on the field a little after 5 p.m., and was formed in two lines, as a support to the forces under command of Major-General Sykes, near the left of our line of battle. When my command arrived on the field, the troops in front were giving ground to the rear. The Third Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Corps, formed on my left, and, before my formation was complete, moved rapidly to the front and right, completely masking my troops, and rendering an advance unnecessary. Our loss was 2 privates wounded.
The troops rested in this position until the morning of July 3, when I was ordered by Major-General Sedgwick to take command of the Third Brigade, Third Division, with my own, and an advanced portion of the line assigned to me.
About 5 p.m. I was ordered by Major-General Sedgwick to cooperate with Brigadier-General Crawford, commanding Pennsylvania Reserves, in a movement against the supposed position of General Hood's division. The Reserves moved in a single line of battle, the Third Brigade, Third Division, under command of Colonel Nevin, Sixty-second New York Volunteers, forming a second line at an interval of 200 yards. Skirmishing commenced soon after leaving our original position, immediately followed by heavier firing. The first line was partly relieved by the second after being engaged about twenty minutes. At dusk the line was recalled, and occupied a position during the night a few hundred yards in advance of the original one.
The loss in killed and wounded in my command was between 20 and 30 (a report has been furnished corps headquarters). The enemy's loss in killed and wounded I could not ascertain. Prisoners to the number of about 200 were taken by the joint command.
At 8 a.m., July 4, I was assigned to the command of the Third Division, Sixth Corps, but was ordered to command the Second Brigade, First Division, as a support to Colonel Day, commanding a brigade of regular troops, on a reconnaissance immediately in front of my position. The Second Brigade was not at any time during this reconnaissance advanced more than 500 yards, and returned to camp about 1 p.m. without loss.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Commanding.

- - - - -

August 15, 1863.

Lieut. Col. M. T. McMAHON,
Assistant Adjutant-General.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the additional report of the movements of the Third Division, Sixth Corps, called for by circular from headquarters Army of the Potomac, August 12, 1863.
On the morning of July 5, at 5 o'clock, the First and-Second Brigades moved from their position, near the center, and reported to me, near headquarters Sixth Corps, the Third Brigade occupying a position in front of the line at that point.
The corps moved forward on the Fairfield road about 8 a.m., the Third Division bringing up the rear, and moved in the same formation to a point about 2 miles from Fairfield, where the enemy was found to occupy the road leading over the mountain. The next morning, July 6, was very misty and dark, rendering it impossible to obtain correct information of the enemy's movements until after noon, when the corps moved to the foot of the mountain, a portion of it occupying the pass.
After dark, we moved on the road to Emmitsburg, and went into camp about 2 miles beyond the town at 1 o'clock the next morning.
July 7.--Marched at an early hour in the morning, and, after passing Catoctin Furnace, took a road to the right, leading over the Catoctin Mountain, encamping late in the evening at Hamburg, on the summit.
July 8.--Marched at 5 a.m., and arrived at Middletown about 9 a.m.
July 9.--Marched at 5 a.m., arriving at Boonsborough at 10 a.m.
July 10.--Marched at 6 a.m., in support of the Second Division, toward Funkstown. About 4 miles from Boonsborough, formed the division in two lines on the right of the pike. Skirmishing with cavalry and infantry was kept up until night, the enemy slowly retiring.
July 11.--Our position was unchanged, with the exception of throwing two brigades of my division forward, one for picket and the other to strengthen the line of the Second Division.
July 12.--About 10 a.m. passed through Funkstown, in rear of the First Division, Sixth Corps, and took up a position across the Antietam, in the center of the line occupied by the corps. Late in the afternoon, I received orders to advance my skirmish line, in connection with the line of the First Division, and take, if possible, the crest occupied by the enemy's skirmishers. This movement on my front was but partially successful. Owing to the formation of the ground, the enemy's line of battle was much nearer their skirmish line in my front than in front of General Wright's division. My loss in this movement was 9 privates wounded, 2 mortally. During the night I threw up a line of defenses covering the front of the division.
On the morning of the 14th, information was sent me from my pickets that the enemy was not in sight. I immediately ordered an advance of my skirmishers, sent out a small scouting party, and sent information, as soon as it was found to be reliable, to corps headquarters. Soon after, I received orders to support General Wright, commanding First Division, in a reconnaissance in his front. Our advance was not interrupted by the enemy. We reached Williamsport about noon, and encamped. On the 15th, marched to Boonsborough.
On the 16th, marched at 4 a.m., and encamped near Berlin. The 17th and 18th were spent in camp, receiving clothing and stores.
On the morning of the 19th, moved at 7 o'clock, crossed the Potomac at Berlin, and encamped 6 miles from Lovettsville. On the 20th, marched to the Aldie and Snickersville pike.
On the 21st, remained in camp.
On the 22d, marched to a point on the Little River pike about 4 miles from Upperville.
On the 23d, marched through Rectortown and Salem, and encamped late at night near Barbee's Cross-Roads.
On the 24th, marched at 4 a.m. for Markham Station, and returned by same route to Thumb River.
On the 25th, marched by way of Orleans to Warrenton.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

Source: bartlettgettysburgor.htm