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Encampment in Jamaica [Early 1861]

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Encampment in Jamaica

[Early 1861]


The Anderson Zouaves, under command of Colonel J. Lafayette Riker, took their departure at four o'clock yesterday afternoon for Snediker's Hotel, Jamaica, there to pitch their tents until they receive a specific summons to proceed to the seat of war. The whole main building, together with the appended out offices, &c., have been placed at their disposal, and they intend to make themselves as comfortable as possible in these quarters until they are called into a more active field. The regiment now numbers one thousand men, about fifty of whom are uniformed, but all of them expect to be uniformed by next Tuesday. The ladies of the Astor Library have been very attentive to this regiment, having furnished them with several necessary articles. The regiment will be mustered into the United States service in the course of next week, and the officers will be duly elected by ballot. This corps is principally composed of firemen, and after a little drilling they may compete favorably with other regiments in point of discipline and pluck.


NY Military Museum – Civil War Newspaper Clippings