AZ Research The Regiment Will Be One of Our Best [May 1861]
Regiment Will Be One of Our Best [May
1861] This regiment, named in
honor of the gallant Major Robert Anderson, and organized under his auspices,
has nearly completed its complement of men, upwards of 600 having been
enrolled. The men are all picked; many of them are from the river counties, and
all are accustomed to hard work. The officers are: Colonel, J. Lafayette Riker;
Lieutenant-Colonel, Teasdale; Adjutant, Carrsanford; Major, Tracy, formerly of
the United States Navy; Engineer, Yates; Surgeon, Crandall. There is to be one
artillery company, with a battery of two of Ames' rifled cannon, twelve
pounders, and two twelve pound howitzers. The quick light infantry drill is to
be adopted. / The regiment has a recruiting tent in Union square, under the
charge of Captain Anderson, and another at Palace Gardens. The drill room is at
the latter place. The officers are experienced, and the regiment will be one of
our best. It is intended that it shall form one of a brigade, of which Major
Anderson is to have the command. A few more first class recruits are wanted - May,
1861. NY Military Museum – Civil
War Newspaper
Clippings Anderson
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