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The Costume is a Neat Affair of Blue [26 May 1861]

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The Costume is a Neat Affair of Blue

[26 May 1861]


Grand Military Demonstration Inspection of ten regiments of New York Volunteers.

Anderson Zouaves.


A very few of these men appeared in uniform at the inspection yesterday. It is anticipated however, that the whole of the men will be fully uniformed by Wednesday. The costume is a neat affair of blue, faced with yellow and has the great recommendation of cheapness; pants, jacket, vest and cap will not cost more than $10. 80 men were inspected yesterday by the Union Defence Committee, presenting a very fine appearance. Mrs Col. Anderson has taken great interest in the progress of this regiment, making the officers under many obligations to her, and also to the ladies of the New York Relief Union who have kindly supplied the regiment with shirts, drawers etc. The following are the staff officers, line officers have not yet been elected:

Col. J. Lafayette Riper, (sic) Lieut. Col. W. S. Fisdale, (sic) Maj. Oscar V Dayton, Adj. Prescott Tracy, Commissary Wilson Hubbell, Quarter-Master J. J. Yates.


New York Times, Tuesday, Sunday 26 May, 1861, Page 8.


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