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A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ [27 May 1861]

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A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ

[27 May 1861]


Dr Chapin in the Camp.


Rev. Dr. Chapin preached in the large tent encampment of the Anderson Zouaves, situate in Union Square, yesterday morning. He spoke from the text “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, (2d epistle to Timothy, chap. II.v. 3). Our eloquent Universalist divine was listened to by a large and devoutly-impressed assemblage. He expatiated in warm and vigorous language on the duties, the trials and the hardships of a soldier’s occupation, and on the rewards and glories of a faithful soldier’s services ; and exhorted such of them as had devoted themselves to military life to fight the good fight manfully, being steadfast to the end.


New York Times, Monday, May 27, 1861, Page 8.


Anderson Zouaves Newspaper Clippings. 62nd NYSV Co. I Homepage