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Young Men of Lewis County! [12 June 1861]

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Young Men of Lewis County!

[12 June 1861]


The 2d Company of Volunteers in Lowville and vicinity, have been accepted, and will join the Anderson Zouaves, of New York City, under Col. RIKER. This is one of the fourteen regiments that were accepted by the Government through the influence of the Union Defence Company. All those whose names are enrolled, and those who wish to join this Company, will meet at the Court House, on Saturday, the 15th inst., at one o’clock P. M., for permanent organization, election of officers, &c.

Young men of Lewis County! — let us rally around the “Old Flag,” resolved to vindicate those “principles of Constitutional Liberty for which our Fore-Fathers so freely shed their blood.— Now is the time.




Journal & Republican (Lowville NY), Wednesday, June 12, 1861, Page 2.


Anderson Zouaves Newspaper Clippings. 62nd NYSV Co. I Homepage