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The Fine Body of Troops [2 July 1861]

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The Fine Body of Troops

[2 July 1861]


The Anderson Zouaves.


The whole of this regiment has now been mustered into the United States service : it is expected that it will be ordered to the seat of war immediately. The gentlemen who have brought this regiment to its present standard of excellence, deserve great credit for the patience and determination which they have manifested throughout the most trying difficulties. With scarcely any pecuniary assistance they have sustained a large body of men during a period of nearly two months, the greater part of the expense falling upon Col. J. L. Riker and Lieut.-Col. H. S. Tisdale. Other regiments have been aided to the extent of thirty, forty and even sixty thousand dollars by the Union Defence Committee. Notwithstanding this, the Anderson Zouaves will compare favorably with any other regiment, as is shown by the following certificate of the United States Medical inspector :


New-York, June 30, 1861.

Col. J. Lafayette Riker :

Dear Sir : In the examination of the fine body of troops under your command, known as the Anderson Zouaves, I found a far less proportion of them to be physically disqualified than I have found in any of the regiments I have examined during the present war, and I cheerfully testify to their general superior condition. The scarcity of boys and old men was also quite a remarkable feature.

N. R. Moseley, M. D.,

Medical Inspector.


New York Times, Tuesday, July 2, 1861, Page 8.


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