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They Have Not Received a Cent [13 July 1861]

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They Have Not Received a Cent

[13 July 1861]


The Anderson Zouaves


The men of this regiment are anxiously expecting their pay. Many of them enlisted with the understanding that the corps would be accepted, and that they would be in immediate receipt of something for their services. As it is, though the men have been in quarters for the last seven weeks, they have not received a cent. It is time that something should be done for this regiment, and the men should be properly clothed and equipped. Complaints are reaching us daily that the families of the men who have enlisted in this regiment are being neglected, and it behooves the Union Defence Committee, or those who are in power, to ameliorate the condition of the wives and families of those who are anxious and willing to defend our flag and constitution.


New York Times, Saturday, July 13, 1861


Anderson Zouaves Newspaper Clippings. 62nd NYSV Co. I Homepage