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So Extremely Wretched [23 July 1861]

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So Extremely Wretched

[23 July 1861]


The Anderson Zouaves


This Regiment, numbering 800 men, is encamped at Riker's Island, having proceeded thither from Salter's Bay over a week ago. Up to a late hour last night, no orders had been issued for their departure to the scene of battle, and even if such orders had been promulgated, the condition of the men is so extremely wretched, that it is doubtful if they could have been enforced. The Regiment has been unable to obtain the requisite military supplies from any source, and is greatly deficient in clothing and shoes. The men are strongly adverse to moving forward to an engagement, unless fully prepared and well provided.


New York Times, Tuesday, July 23, 1861, Page 8.


Anderson Zouaves Newspaper Clippings. 62nd NYSV Co. I Homepage