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Tiger-r-r! [16 August 1861]

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[16 August 1861]


To the Volunteers


Major General John Ellis Wool arrived, in the city at half-past nine o'clock last evening, by the Hudson River Railroad. Gen. Hall and Gen. Wetmore received him at the depot, and Company A of the Anderson Zouaves, under Lieut. Knight, was drawn up in line on the platform. Gen. Wool was introduced to several gentlemen, and as he passed the Zouaves, he shook hands with the whole line.

Getting into carriages, the party, preceded by a squad of police from the Twentieth Ward the Anderson Zouaves, acting as escort, moved along Thirtieth street toward Broadway but were soon met by several companies of the 1st Regiment United States Chasseurs under Lieut. Col. Shaler. The companies were A, B, H, and K, under Captains Philipoteaux, Walker and Brainard.

The procession passed down Eighth avenue to Twentythird street to the Union Club House, about the doors of which something of a concourse had gathered, as Prince Napoleon had left only a short time before. Three cheers were given for Gen. Wool, and he alighted and stopped for a few moments in the Club House, when introductions took place. The procession then moved down to the St. Nicholas Hotel, the crowd constantly augmenting, and cheers being given along the route.

At nearly 12 o'clock, the Seventh regiment band having played a variety of airs, Gen. Wool appeared upon the balcony, waving his hankerchief, when "three cheers for Gen. Wool" was called for and given — "Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! Tiger-r-r!" "Three more!" And again — "Hip, hip, hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! Tiger-r-r!"...


New York Tribune, Friday, August 16, 1861. [Syndicated to Chicago Tribune August 19, 1861.]


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