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He is an Italian [12 September - 6 November 1861]

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He is an Italian

[12 September – 6 November 1861]


 from "Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865" documents daily life in Washington, D. C., through the eyes of Horatio Nelson Taft (left), an examiner for the U. S. Patent Office. Below are Horatio's mentions of the Anderson Zouaves. 


Thursday September 12, 1861 


This has been a delightful day. I was at the Pat office and at the Treasury Dept, did not see Mr Chase. The fight near the Chain Bridge yesterday proved to be only a rather severe skirmish, two of our soldiers killed. Went with Julia after dinner up to Camp Cameron to see the "Anderson Zouaves," visited the Head Qrs, the old ("Madison House"), with Capt Meeks. Capt Lafarta (sic) of the French Zouave Company was very polite. He is an Italian. 1500 Cavalry passed our door last evn'g. Long trains of army wagons pass all day, 4 horse teams. 

Sunday September 15, 1861 


A hot day...Went to ch[urch] in the morning with Julia & one of the boys and heard Dr Smith, church well filled. Wife went in the afternoon. Chas & Sallie were up to dine with us. Walked with Dr D. & Chas up to Camp Cameron to see the "Anderson Zouaves." Saw Capt Lafata of the Co of the French Zouaves. He is an Italian. Came down to tea and went over to Camp Anderson to hear the music of the "Regulars" Band, it was fine. 


Friday October 4, 1861 


Another hot day. Much as yesterday "danced attendance" at the Treasury most of the day without seeing the Sec'y. It has been Cabinet day and he much engaged. Think some of getting a room for compounding various medicines and articles for sale with the assistance of Chas -- Must do something to make some money, if possible. Julia has been out to the Camp of the "Anderson Zouaves" with Capt Mew. Prof Low[e]s Balloon was high up over "Dixey" this evening. Heavy guns have been frequently heard over the River. 


Wednesday November 6, 1861 


A cool, cloudy, misty day. It is now pretty well known that the great fleet landed near Charleston S.C. Much anxiety is felt to hear direct from it. No new[s] today. J.C. Fremont is removed from the command of the Army in M.O. Genl Hunter takes his place. The 60th NY Regt arrived and passed up Mass Ave just before dark. It appeared in first rate condition. No news from Rosecrantz today. Capt Meeks of the Anderson Zouaves called last evening. He was well mounted and has command at the Chain Bridge. I was at the Pat office awhile. Julia has caught a severe cold.


The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft 1861 - 1865