AZ Research Oh! How I Wish Drunkeness Might Be Abolished [14 January 1862]
How I Wish Drunkeness Might Be Abolished [14
January 1862] National Battery Chain Bridge Jan 14th, 1862 My Dearest Aunt, I am in receipt of your
most valued letter dated the 4th which was duly received with great pleasure by
me and which I will now try to answer. In the first place, I must thank you for
your kind wishes and in return wish you a very happy New Year hoping you may
blessed with good health as in former days and that we may all live to see our
country once more prospering in Peace and in harmony. Truly it would be a
season of rejoicing and praise if this could be brought about by the wisdom of
our rulers without Bloodshed and the Slaughter of so many, many precious lives. I was very much pleased
to hear that you were all enjoying good health. I had heard of Lieut.
Benidict's death and I think it a mournful accident. Truly his Wife and friends
must feel very sad and I should think he would be missed from town very much. Oh!
how I wish that drunkeness might be abolished (in the Army especially) as it
causes so much trouble. I never could relize before the awful effects that the
use of Ardent Spirits can produce. I am a Non Commissioned Officer now (a
Corporal) and I believe my sobriety was all that ever gained me this promotion.
Why there is scarcly a day when it comes my turn to be Corporal of the Guard
but I have to confine some one (through the Captain's orders) from being
intoxicated or disobeying orders. We are all well here
with the exception of slight colds and there is hardly a man in the Company but
what is able to do duty for which I feel very thankful for. lf any one is sick
here they get very poor care and attention. How I wish I might be in Crown
Point to go to School this winter but this cannot be and I will try and content
myself with doing my duty thinking of home occassionally. I will try and write
to Aunt Lucy tomorrow. I have neglected her which I should not have done. Give my love to Thomas
Raine, tell him I should like to hear a few words him. Excuse Hurried writing and all mistakes. I
have received several letters from Cousin Samuel. He is still at Norwich at
work with his intentions to remain untill this war is over and l am ready to go
west with him. And now, Dear Aunt, I must close for this time. Give my love to
all remembering, much love and many kisses to the little Grand Son. In Haste your Affectionate Nephew, Alfred C Woods Address as usual I have just heard we attack the foe tomorrow Letters of Alfred Covell Woods. 62nd NYSV Co I Homepage |