AZ Research Base Ball in Camp [2 May 1863]
the editor of the
Brooklyn Eagle. Knowing you feel interested in the soldiers, I send you the
score of a match of base ball, between the First Long Island Vols. and the 62d
N. Y. Vols. (Anderson Zouaves) contested on the 19th of April. After the game
was concluded, which, as the following shows, resulted in favor of the
Andersons, the Long Islanders were invited over to the quarters of the former,
where they were sumptuously entertained by them. A return match will probably
be played soon-incase of such an event I will advise you. The following is the
score: {Have experienced technical difficulties loading the graphic from the newspaper.
Will try at a later date. - Ed.} |
Brooklyn Eagle, Saturday,
May 2, 1863,
p.2. |