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We Have Again Met the Enemy in Battle [July 20 1863]

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Camp near Lovitsville Va July 20th, 1863 

Dear Aunt - 

Many thanks for your kind letter written the day we were engaged in deadly contest with the enemy (the 3rd of this month).

I was deepy grieved to hear of my dear Grandfathers death. Although I have never had the pleasure of seeing him still I had often heard of him an sincerely hoped he would have recovered his former good health. How badly Grand Pa will feel when he hears of this death. Since I wrote you last we have again met the enemy in battle and caused him to ingloriously fly. Our Heavenly Father in his unceasing kindness still protects me and although many of my comrades were killed and wounded around me yet I passed through unharmed receiving not even the slightest slightest scratch.

We are at present encamped near the small antique town of Lovitsville which is situated about engith miles from the Potomac River which are crossed yesterday making a march of twenty miles I think the object now is to cut off the rebel retreat. This war has now assumed an encouraging appearrance. With a few dextrous moovements rightly conducted this strife will soon cease. I have written to my Grandfather in London since I received you letter. I wish you would please send me his letter as soon as convenient. I will no close. I would write more but I am some what fatigued. With most respectfull and affectionate rembrances to Uncle Reuben and all other friends 

I remain as ever

Your loving Nephew



Address as usual. I regret that I am obliged to send this without a stamp. 


Letters of Alfred Covell Woods

Contributed by J. Tierney