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I am Still Enjoying the Best of God's Blessings [6 September 1863]

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Camp near Warrenton Va.

Sept 6th, 1863 

Dearest Aunt, 

I do not know but you will think I write too often but I do love to think of home and hear from there often and as I am at leisure this calm cool day I thought I would improve my time in no better way than in writing. I was last night made the happy recipient of a good letter (from my Grandfather in England in reply to one which I wrote some time ago. Miss Sarah wrote me than you had also received one from him.) He gave me a slight description of my relatives there and how he is situated and begged me to come and see them. He is now stopping for the time in Greenwich at his country residence where he generally stays from June until October when he goes back to London again at least so he writes. I have thought the matter over and I have concluded that perhaps it will be beneficial to me to go there after I am discharged from the Army if God in his loving kindness should be pleased to spare my life until that time.

I am still enjoying the best of God's blessings: life, health, strength and a clean conscience are mine and who would be otherwise than happy who is thus situated. The weather here at present is quite cool. Autumn is now fairly set in and soon (I think) we shall begin another campaign. I am ready although I wish this war might be settled without anymore fighting. I am sick and tired of seeing so much precious blood spilled, so many lives sacrificed which sacrifice has as yet amounted to nothing. I will now once more bid you Good bye hoping to hear from you soon. Please excuse me for sending this without a stamp but I cannot obtain one at any price.

With much true esteem to yourself and other friends I remain, in great haste, truly your Nephew 

Covell (Woods) 

Letters of Alfred Covell Woods

Contributed by J. Tierney