AZ Research I Had Been Promoted to a Sergeant [9 February 1864]
Ferry, Va Feb
9th (1864) Dearest
Aunt, I am again seated for
the purpose of writing to you for I am lonely and feel like talking with you
although I believe I do not owe you a letter and perhaps you may think I am
writing oftener than there is need of. We are still in or near
the same place that we were when l wrote you last and we are now comfortably
encamped with the probability of our remaining here for some time to come. We
have have been pretty busy fixing up our quarters for the past two weeks and we
have got them in good order and almost as comfortable as so many log Houses would
be. The weather is beautiful here and we enjoy it very much. I never felt
better in my life than I do now. lt is so healthy here that we can hardly help
feeling well although many do not take care of themselves as they ought. How
good God is! This thought often comes to mind as I see how my comrades as well
as myself are often kindly preserved in our ways of folly. I am thankful that I
have not much longer to remain in this wicked place. Not that I am tired of
doing my duty as a Soldier in the least, but I long to live in quiet once more.
If I am preserved through the remainder of my term of service I shall try and
settle down in some place and live steadily and get me a Home if possible of my
own. Who is helping Uncle this winter with the work? I wish he would write to
me. I should be so glad to hear from him. I often long to hear from some of the
friends and a letter never seemed half as precious as it does here in the Army.
How is Mr Burdick and cousin Sarah this winter? Please give my best respects to
them when you see them. There is much more I would write but cannot now. With
much love to Uncle and yourself I remain as ever, Your
Affectionate Nephew, Covell.
(Woods) P.S.
I believe I told you in some of my other
letters that I had been promoted to a Sergeant. Please write soon as
convenient. Love
Covell Address Sergt
Alfred "C" Woods Co E, 62nd
regt. N.Y.S.Vols. Via Washington D.C. Letters
of Alfred Covell Woods. Contributed by J.
Tierney |