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No Cloud Menaced the Enjoyment [3 July 1888]

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Gettysburg Heroes 

GETTYSBURG, July 2.-The Second day of the reunion opened clear and beautiful. No cloud menaced the enjoyment of the visitors and the terrible battle of twenty-five years ago was on the lips of everyone. Trains with thousands of passengers rolled into the town, and the great crowd has grown larger until the place is filled fuller than at any time since the memorable days of 1863. At 10 o’clock the five regiments of Green’s brigade, the 78th, 102d, 60th, l47th and l49th, New York, dedicated their monuments on Culp’s Hill and immediately afterward a reunion of the brigade was held, Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum, who commanded the right of the Federal line during the battle, and Brigadier General George S. Greene, the brigade commander, made addresses…

In addition to these memorials there were dedicated to-day monuments of the following regiments: Battery D. First New York Artillery, Captain Thomas W. Osborn, of New York city, orator; the 62d New York (Anderson Zouaves) Hon. Edward Browne, orator; the 64th New York on the second corps line; the 149thNew York, Gen. Henry A. Barnum, the former colonel of the regfment being the orator; the 4th New York independent battery at the Devil’s Den; the 86th New York, Charles A. McMaster, Esq. orator; the 68th Pennsylvania (Scott Legion) on the highest crest of the exposed ridge at the Peath Orchard. Hon Barry G. Bugurt, orator; the 98th Pennsylvania, J. F. Loeble, orator; the 145th New York, Gen. George E. Sharpe. orator; the 110th Pennsylvania, Capt. J. C. M. Hamilton orator; the 41st New York infantry; the 105 th Pennsylvania, Rev. A. T. McClellan, orator; the 62d Pennsylvania, Gen. J. B. Sweitzer, orator; the 62d New York, on the second day’s field; the 40th New York; the 15th New York battery’s monument and the 9th New York cavalry, Lieut. Col. W. G. Bentley delivering the oration at its monument. 

Auburn Bulletin, Tuesday, July 3, 1888. 

Anderson Zouaves Newspaper Clippings

Contributed by J. Tierney