AZ Research The National Day [23 February 1895]
York, Feb. 22. – Washington's
birthday is being observed to-day as generally and with as much spirit as usual
in this city. In the early hours there was a sharp biting wind, making out of
door exercises exceedingly unpopular. The city bore a holiday appearance in the
display of flags and bunting. Travel on the elevated and surface roads was
small, and the streets down town were nearly deserted. The public buildings and
the big office buildings were deserted and very little business is going on
down town. The
display of flags and
bunting seemed to be greater than on any previous Washington's birthday.
Bunting hung from window sills of many residences. Old Glory waved gloriously
on the water. Crafts of all kinds carried flags. Ferryboats, steamships, tugs,
lighters and scows, all flew the emblem. Along the river front the display was
general, and, in effect, beautiful. At
sunrise this morning
Christopher R. Forbes, great grandson of Sergeant Van Arsdale of Revolutionary
fame, raised "Old Glory" at the Battery park as he has done for a
number of years, He was assisted by the Anderson Zouaves of the Sixty-second
regiment, New York volunteers. Great enthusiasm prevailed while the flag was
being raised, cheer after cheer being given for the "Father of Our Country
and Old Glory" by those who were present… Rochester Democrat and Chronicle,
Saturday, February 23, 1895, Page 2 |