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Sumter Day Celebrated [15 April 1896]

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The thirtieth anniversary of the reraising on Fort Sumter of the National Flag was celebrated last night by a camp fire reception and ball of Anderson Battalion, at Wendell’s Assembly Rooms, at 334 West Forty-fourth Street. The Anderson Battalion consists of the Anderson Zouaves, Anderson Battery, A.S.O.V., and Anderson Cadet Corps. A feature of the evening was an exhibition drill, dress parade, and a review of the battalion. The flag was hoisted at the Battery at sunrise by Christopher R. Forbes, who was accompanied by the Anderson Zoauves, the Sixty-second Regiment, New York Volunteers, under command of Capt. Charles E. Morse, and Anderson-Williams Post, 304, G.A.R., Adjt. Hendrickson in command. 

The New York Times,. April 15th, 1896, p.5.