AZ Research Timothy Kelly. Co. K. Private. |
Timothy Kelly
was a soldier in Co. K of the 62d NYSV, who held the rank of Private.
He was wounded at Malvern Hill (1st July, 1862), Fredericksburg (11th
– 15th, 1862) and at Chancellorsville (5th May, 1863). One of these
wounds is recorded as a slight face wound. Not much more is known about Timothy Kelly. An existent Provost Marshal's Office document
relating to Timothy Kelly reads; Provost Marshal's
Office, Sixteenth Congressional
District, STATE OF NEW YORK. Plattsburgh, N.Y. July 20 1863. To Cham Trans Co. Please furnish transportation from Plattsburgh to New York City for Timothy Kelly (Private
Co. K 62d N. Y. Vol George
Clendon Jr Pro. Marshal |