AZ Research

Timothy Kelly. Co. K. Private.

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Timothy Kelly was a soldier in Co. K of the 62d NYSV, who held the rank of Private. He was wounded at Malvern Hill (1st July, 1862), Fredericksburg (11th – 15th, 1862) and at Chancellorsville (5th May, 1863). One of these wounds is recorded as a slight face wound. Not much more is known about Timothy Kelly.

An existent Provost Marshal's Office document relating to Timothy Kelly reads; 

Provost Marshal's Office,

Sixteenth Congressional District, 


Plattsburgh, N.Y. July 20 1863.

To Cham Trans Co.

Please furnish transportation from Plattsburgh to New York City for Timothy Kelly (Private Co. K 62d N. Y. Vol

George Clendon Jr          

Pro. Marshal

See: ZOUAVE! September 2009. p.2.