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General Howe's Report - Battle of Malvern Hill (5 July 1862)

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Excerpt from the Official Report of General Howe

Official report of General Howe 
July 5, 1862

"...The firing now became very heavy on the part of the division on my left, and by the aid of a glass I could discover the rapid movement of bodies of the enemy to my left. At this time a division staff-officer came to me for any assistance I could send to our left. I immediately ordered the battery and the last three regiments that I had to come to my support to the left. The enemy again came down upon the left and centre of our division in strong force, and was again repulsed. Colonel Nevin's regiment, the Sixty-second New-York, on the left of my brigade, gallantly joining with the left of the division in the repulse."

Source: Moore, F. (1865). The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events., 5th Volume., Document 77, p.263. New York: D. Van Nostrand.