ISSN 1837-5553
Archive of the Journal of Anderson Zouaves Research
ZOUAVE! was published from March 2007 until August 2015. Originally it appeared as the newspaper of the 62d NYSV Co. F
Living History group, it became the journal of Anderson Zouaves Research in its later form.
ZOUAVE! is a free journal and readers are encouraged to share the pdf file or printed versions of it and distribute as
they will
ZOUAVE issues available on this site
No. 68 - August 2015
General Oscar V. Dayton
Cpl. Charles Wesley Allen 62d NYSV Co. G
Christopher Daley 62d NYSV Co. A
Excerpts from the Diary of Nelson P Dolbeck - November 1861
No. 67 - May 2015
Captain George H. Moeser Co. F
Assistant Surgeon William Wallace Bidlack Co. S
Excerpts from the Diary of Nelson P. Dolbeck - October 1861
No. 66 - November 2014
62d NYSV Veteran Patrick Hefferin
Excerpts from the Diary of Nelson P. Dolbeck - September 1861
Dear Covell Was Dead
The Anderson Zouaves in Pen and Press
No. 65 - May 2014
The Unique Cpl. Samuel Upson of Co. H
Excerpts form the Diary of Nelson P. Dolbeck - August 1861
The Anderson Zouaves in Pen and Press
Theodore Johnston's Discharge Paper
No. 64 - February 2014
Excerpts from the Diary of Nelson P. Dolbeck - July 1861
The Anderson Zouaves in Pen and Press
Lt. Magee's Sword
The Mystery of George A. Harrison, 62nd New York Infantry
Moses Strauss - A Correction
Pvt. Robert F. Stevenson (Stephenson) 62d NYSV Co. A.
Pvt. George Atkinson 62d NYSV
1st Lt. Charles R. Sterling (Stirling)
No. 63 - October 2013
Excerpts from the Diary of Nelson P Dolbeck - June 1861
The Anderson Zouaves in Pen and Press
No. 62 - July 2013
Nelson P. Dolbeck's Diary
Excerpts from the Diary of Nelson P. Dolbeck - May 1861
The Anderson Zouaves in Pen and Press
Australian AZ Re-enactors at Gettysburg
1st Sgt. Edward Prince 62d NYSV Co, F & Co. H
1st Lt. William Barnett 62d NYSV
Capt. Sanford Dockstader 62d NYSV Co. I
No. 61 - April 2013
Principal Musician Moses Strauss 62d NYSV Co. I
1st Leiutenant William L. Knobloch 62d NYSV Co. F
Corporal Richard Flannigan (Flanigan) 62d NYSV Co. G
Private Lawrence A. Gaffney 62d NYSV Co. K & Co. D
Private Thomas G. Fuller 62d NYSV Co. D
Private Joseph Carl Fuglein 62d NYSV Co. I
1st Sgt. Henry H. Tucker 62d NYSV Co. C & Co. K
The Anderson Zouaves in Pen and Press
No. 60 - January 2013
Pvt. Cornelius Dixon 62d NY & 51st NY Infantries
Edward Fagan Musician 62d NYSV
Drummer Charles H. Billson 62d NYSV
Sgt. George James Diehl 62d NYSV Co. F
Pvt. Herman Eissenkramer 62d NYSV Co. G & Co. I
Sgt. William Peck Alcott 62d NYSV Co. D
Pvt. Daniel B. Ames 62d NYSV Co. A
The Anderson Zouaves