AZ Research

62d NYSV - In Pencil, Pen and Press 1862

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New York Eating House [Early 1862]

Payment of Troops [6 January 1862]

Oh! How I Wish Drunkeness Might Be Abolished [14 January 1862]

Men Make Hogs of Themselves [16 January 1862]

Son of the Emerald Isle [2 February 1862]

Dare-devil Dick [27 February 1862]

Washington's Birthday [9 March 1862]

The Anderson Zou-zous [16 March 1862]

McClellan's Wild Indians [22 March 1862]

How to Become a Zouave [23 March 1862]

The Sacred Soil of Virginia [30 March 1862]

Raw Bacon [8 April 1862]

We Expect a Hard Fight [11 April 1862]

Not a Murmur of Dissatisfaction [28 April 1862]

To Run Had Now Become a Duty [May 1862]

I Dropped a Bitter Tear [8 May 1862]

Poor Old Virginia [11 May 1862]

Anderson Sharpshooters [20 May 1862]

Four Hundred Rebels Taken Prisoners [1 June 1862]

Quietly Smoking a Cigar [8 June 1862]

General Peck's Letter to Governor Morgan (9 June 1862)

The Funeral of Cols. Riker and Miller [11 June 1862]

Poor Colonel Riker [14 June 1862]

Our Noble Colonel Was Killed [24 June 1862]

I Am Sick of Seeing So Much Bloodshed [7 July 1862]

Stand Clear of the A.Zs [20 July 1862]

These Terrific Slave Drivers [27 October 1862]

We Are At Present Pleasantly Encamped [2 December 1862]

Such Ignorance and Imbecility [26 December 1862]

Our "Onward" March [30 December 1862]