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62d NYSV - In Pencil, Pen and Press 1861

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Anderson's Zouaves [Early 1861]

Encampment in Jamaica [Early 1861]

The New Zouave Regiment [Early 1861]

Close to the Statue of Washington [28 April 1861]

The Regiment Will Be One of Our Best [May 1861]

The Anderson Zouaves Regiment [3 May 1861]

Robert Anderson Zouaves [13 May 1861]

I Shall Never Have the Name of a Deserter [23 May 1861]

The Costume is a Neat Affair of Blue [26 May 1861]

A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ [27 May 1861]

Able Bodied, Healthy Men [29 May 1861]

A Blue Zouave Jacket [30 May 1861]

Song of the Anderson Zouaves [June 1861]

Westerfield Company [3 June 1861]

Great Activity Prevails [4 June 1861]

1,000 Pairs of Socks [7 June 1861]

As Fine a Spot As Could Be [9 June 1861]

Three Hearty Cheers [11 June 1861]

Enlisted Under the Presidents Call [12 June 1861]

Young Men of Lewis County! [12 June 1861]

Little Toddling Zouaves [15 June 1861]

A Fine Looking Body of Men [16 June 1861]

The Pet Regiment of New York [17 June 1861]

Revolvers and Knives Were Finally Drawn [18 June 1861]

A Fine Company [19 June 1861]

The Cause So Dear [21 June 1861]

A Complete Outfit of Under-Clothing [26 June 1861]

763 Excellent Woolen Shirts [26 - 29 June 1861]

1,000 Hymn Books [28 June 1861]

Song of the Regiment [July 1861]

Thoroughly Armed and Equipped [1 July 1861]

Col. R. Made a Patriotic Address [2 July 1861]

The Fine Body of Troops [2 July 1861]

Celebration by the Anderson Zouaves [6 July 1861]

Preaching in Union Square [8 July 1861]

Enlisting Musicians [12 July 1861]

Fine Active Young Fellows [12 July 1861]

They Have Not Received a Cent [13 July 1861]

A Gala Time [17 July 1861]

Camp Astor [19 July 1861]

So Extremely Wretched [23 July 1861]

Leaving on Tuesday Next [3 August 1861]

Flag Presentation to the Anderson Zouaves [8 August 1861]

Marching Orders [13 August 1861]

Tiger-r-r! [16 August 1861]

All That They Want Now is Their Pay [16 August 1861]

Let Us Have Liberty and Union [22 August 1861]

Departure of the Anderson Zouaves [22 August 1861]

We Raised Our Colors Beat Our Drums [28 August 1861]

The Tent in Union Square [3 September 1861]

Zoozoos Eat Up the Dinner [12 October 1861]

He is an Italian [12 September - 6 November 1861]

Uncle Sams Pills [13 September 1861]

Private Cohen Pleads Guilty [22 September 1861]

Every Thing is Quiet and Still Yet Along Our Lines [25 September 1861]

Situated Near the Potomac River [October 1st 1861]

I Began to Feel the Duties of a Soldier [13 October 1861]

A Rebel Spie Was Taken [21 October 1861]

Uniform and Arms of the Anderson's Zouaves, N.Y.S.V. [22 October 1861]

The Farmers Are Very Kind [23 October 1861]

I Hope this Will Meet You in Good Health (2 December 1861)

Sidney and I Attended the Theater [2 December - 4 December 1861]

A Very Dangerous Promotion [30 December 1861]